Saturday, November 26, 2011

(VU-Study-Corner) Live and Let live

Live you you are for ALLAH
Learn how to make others happy
Love only your CREATOR and
Last Messenger Muhammad(pbuh)
Lighten up your life with the true light of faith
Listen to your elders
Live and Let live
Lead everyone to the right path so ALLAH
Leads you to the door steps of Jannah
Legends are those who make meaningful history so others follow them
Lavish life style is one lived on the the basics of Quran and Sunnah
Loneliness will never kill you if you feel ALLAH around you
Logjam situations can be solved if we seek for ALLAH guidance
Look around and bring the changes which others fear to bring
Loyalty towards your religion will make you lovable in the eyes of ALLAH
Laugh and spread joys so the world laughs with you
Live your life in such a way that the day you die people cry over you for loosing you,and pray for you and always remember you in good words.

Sent from my iPhone

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