Saturday, March 6, 2010

:::|| VU Askari ||::: todaysCS101

Here is my today's CS101 paper held at 5.00 Pm
90 % MCQ,s was new, not from past papers.




What does NIC Stand for? (1)

Write down the names of Rule- Based System components (any Two) (1)

Why Hub is Used in Web ? (2)

What is structured vector graphics (2)

How can we define Pixel? (3)

Write down difference between Design and System Architecture (3)

What are the Trojan Horses? (3)

Write difference between Wisdom and Heuristic (5)

What do u know about developing team? (5)

What are the Key characteristics of Internet? (10)

What is virus? Describe classifications (10)


Java nahi aya….





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