Friday, December 9, 2011

(VU-Study-Corner) => Story of the Day <=

This story will InshaAllah, reconfirm our faith in Allah (Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala) and guide us in praising and thanking Him always. If you have children at home, please do tell them Islamic stories so that they develop faith at an early age itself.

Once there lived a powerful king. He was very wealthy but arrogant and unthankful. He had a faithful and a wise minister who had one habit - at every moment and every occasion, he used to say, "All Praises and Thanks to Allah." The king never used to respond to this statement.

The king had a passion for hunting. Whenever he used to go for hunting, he used to take his minister along.

One day, on the dining table, the king, his minister and the people from his palace sat down for lunch. They were talking on various subjects of his kingdom. The king while discussing , picked up a knife and started to cut fruits kept near to him. He became so engrossed in talking that while handling the knife suddenly cut his index finger into half! Blood streamed out from his finger and the king shouted in pain. The minister remained calm and said -"All Praises and Thanks to Allah." The entire crowd turned silent. The minister had just thanked Allah when a calamity had fallen on the king! The king could not control his anger and shouted at the minister, "How dare you! I lost my finger and still you praise and thank Allah." The minister said, "Your Highness, Allah is very wise! What He does, does for the Good." It was too much for the king now. He ordered the minister to be thrown in jail for the rest of his life.

While the guards were dragging the minister, handcuffed, the minister said, "All Praises and Thanks to Allah.".

"What a fool!", exclaimed the king, "He will never come out of the prison now and he is still praising and thanking Allah. What good can happen to him now that he still has his faith intact."

Days passed by, the minister was in the jail and the king continued his behavior of being ungrateful to the Almighty. He had lost his finger forever.

In spite of the broken finger, he never lost his passion for hunting. One fine day, he assembled the best of his men and decided to go for hunting. The king and his men entered the deep jungle together, but very soon, the king spotted a deer and ran behind it. After some time, he realized that he was not followed by his helpers. When he turned around, he realized he was lost. There was no one around him. He got scared and started to return but could not find his way. He was lost!

Suddenly he heard loud sound and saw cannibals surrounding him. He tried to escape, but the cannibals held him and said, "We have found you as a suitable person to be offered as a sacrifice to our gods!" The king pleaded them to spare his life and offered large sum of money. The cannibals refused and took him to their tribe who were rejoiced to see him as a sacrifice to their gods. The king thought his end was near.

Suddenly an old man in the tribe said, "Stop! This man has a cut finger, we cannot offer a defective person as a sacrifice to our gods, leave him alone." The cannibals left him. The king was shocked. He now realized that the minister had truly said, "All Praises and Thanks to Allah." Somehow, he managed to come back to his palace and ordered the minister to be released immediately. He explained the whole story and the minister said, "As I told you, whatever Allah does, He does for the Good."

The king said, "But I imprisoned you. How can you say, Allah did good to you." The minister smiled back at the king, "Your Highness, if you had not put me in jail, you would have asked me to come with you for hunting. And when the cannibals saw your cut finger, they left you. But I do not have a cut finger. They could have sacrificed me, instead! So shouldn't I thank Allah as he saved my life? "

The king realized his mistake, apologized to the minister and he too began the habit of saying – "All Praises and Thanks to Allah."

Sent from my iPhone

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