Monday, December 5, 2011

(Attock VU Group) Balanced life in a muslims life and islamic perspective view

Islam is the religion of peace, which requires its followers to surrender to the word of God and abide by the rules and regulations in order to receive the best treatment in life after death. By following the religious codes, a Muslim is securing for himself the love of God, not only in the hereafter but also in his life. Even though Islam draws a clear line between the religious and the worldly affairs, it still remains a religion of moderation and asks of its followers to strike a balance between the two, to secure a place in heaven while securing a peace, success and happiness in this life.

The purpose of man's existence, according to Islam, is to worship God, to recognize His Greatness and Oneness and to worship him in the best possible ways. However in more worldly terms, everyone has a social life and needs to work in order to make a living and keep up with the moving society. Islam as a religion of balance calls for its followers to be a part of the mainstream society, to shun evil and promote the good and institute justice in society. It calls for its followers to be involved and to struggle for a better change.

Islam expects its followers to be efficient, creative, organized but most of all, it asks for its followers to value and manage time. Success can only be found in those who do not take time for granted. It is not impossible for you to find triumph in both your worldly and religious life if you can manage your time properly. For example on your way to work you can read the Quran or seek God's forgiveness.

It is also important to sort out your priorities and maintain the ethical code of Islam in all your actions. Islam very strictly promotes the concept of hard work and labor. So being determined and focused about work and career is not disregarded in Islam. Participation in sports, politics, science, educational conferences, learning about different cultures and religions are all allowed and promoted as long as the religious line of modesty and utterance of truth is not crossed.

While performing worship and other obligatory religious practices are important, it is also important for all Muslims to interact with each other and maintain a healthy familial and social life. Islam places great importance on being satisfied and content as a person in order to recognize and be thankful for all the goodness God has placed in the world that surrounds us. Islam, as a religion encourages its followers to leave a balanced life, to maintain a grip over the worldly and the religious affairs and to tackle life and its problems in a stable and sound manner. It is a system of balanced faith.

Sent from my iPhone

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