Sunday, October 30, 2011

Re: (Attock VU Group) Solution Required MTH 302

Ali Rehman brother............plz check it carefully.........not my subject

Question No. 1:

A company bought shares at Rs. per share and sold them after year at Rs. . With a commission rate of buying and selling the stock. What is its return on investment?
shares at Rs.56.27 = 56270
Commission at 1.2% = 56270*1.2/100 = 675.24
Total cost = 56270+ 675.24
= 56945.24
1000 shares at Rs. = 65250
Commission at 1.2% = 65250*1.2/100
= 783
Total Sale = 65250- 783 = 64467
Net receipts = 64467
Total cost = 56945.24
Net Gain = 64467 - 56945.24 = 7521.76
Return on investment = 7521.76/56945.24*100
= 13.20%

Question No. 2:
In a domestic business an owner invests 15,000 Rs at 15% per annum for a period of 66 months. Calculate compound interest and also future value.
For details lec no6 page 58

S = Money accrued after n years also called compound amount
P = Principal = 15000
r = Rate of interest = 15%
n = Number of periods 66months / 12 =5.5years
S = P(1 + r/100)^ n
Compound interest = S – P

S (this is future value also)= 15000(1+15/100)^5.5
Future value = 32354.105
copound intrest=S-P
= 32354.105-15000
= 17354.105
we can also find fv by this formula ans will be same
fv (future value)= pv(present value)*(1+i)^n

Question No. 3:
How much money deposited now will provide payments of Rs. 10,000 at the end of each quarter for 15 years if interest is 12% compounded quarterly.
Foe details lec no7 page 62

in our question…
C = Cash flow per period = 10000 at the end of each quarter
i = interest rate 12% compounded quarterly 12/100 = 0.12
n = number of payments. 15years*4= 60 because intrest compounded quarterly 


pv = 10000*[1-(1+0.12)^-60/0.12]
= 10000*[1-(1.12)^-60/0.12]
= 10000*[0.9907]
= 9907.16

On Sun, Oct 30, 2011 at 7:34 PM, bc110402861 Ali Rehman <> wrote:
Hi  i wand the solution MTH302 because i want to check my assignment Answer is correct or not.

Thanks In Avance :D:D:D:D

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