Wednesday, January 11, 2012

(VU-Study-Corner) PHY301 Can Any one Explain Highlighted area ? KIRCHHOF’S LAW :(

Example   Find voltage across 2k ohm resistor.




      Combine 2k and 2k and then

      At node (1)

                                V1/3k +4mA +2mA + (V1-V2) /6k =0

                                                   2V1 +24 +12 +V1 – V2 =0

                                                                                                   3V1 –V2 = -36-------- Equation 1

                                     At node (2)

                                                                V2/4k + V2/12k - 2mA +(V2 –V1)/6k = 0

                                                                                    3V2 +V2– 24 + 2V2 – 2V1 = 0

                                                                                                        6V2 – 2V1 = 24-------------- Equation 2 


9V2 – 3V1 =36         This come from where ????

          -V2 + 3V1 =-36 -------------- Equation 1


8V2 =0

                       V2 =0

                                you can see from the circuit  on the right side two resistance

are in series i:e 2k and 2k ohm so we will apply voltage divider   rule here


V0 = 2/4 x V2

                                                                                     = 2/4 x 0

                                                                                      = 0

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