Monday, December 12, 2011

Re: (VU-Study-Corner) Read this story!

These sort of brilliant answers about Allah Almighty and His religion doesnt comes to the ones who are
extraordinary intelligent etc....but to those who have a sincere heart (seeking only ALLAH`s pleasure).
We need not to impress others by some special skills,just have sincere feelings and piousness,and see
how Allah almighty gives you the power to revolutionize anyones life just by telling him 2 words...!!
Ya Rab aj`al lana mubarak.....
ya Rab iftah alaina!!

On Sun, Dec 11, 2011 at 10:02 PM, bc110200682 Nadeem Ul Hassan <> wrote:
A Christian invited a Muslim man once to his
house, so he accepted his invitation. The non
Muslim man brought him Grape and the
Muslim accepted it and ate it. But when he
brought him a glass of wine, the Muslim
refused and said: « It's forbidden in Islam to
drink wine ! »
The Christian answered him :"so it's ok for
you to eat grape but drinking wine which
was extracted and came from grape is
forbidden in your religion ?! How can this be
"Do you have a wife?" asked the Muslim
The Christian answered : "yes"
« do you have a daughter ? »
"your wife gave you your daughter just like
grape gave you wine, and it was ok for you to
marry the mother but God forbade you to
marry your daughter!"
The only answer of the Christian was «
Ashhadu an la ilaha illaAllah wa ashhadu anna
Muhammadan rasulullah » ("There is no God
but Allah and Muhammad is the Messenger of

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