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Lately I have taken to writing about biblical events. I wonder why, since I never usually think about these things.
Fire on a mountain, Sheep gone astray, Bushes speaking In the hot desert day.
God said to save them, His people, from the son Of the previous old pharaoh Before the battle has begun.
He walked all through the desert, The sun hot on his face, The sand a constant demon, Slowing down his pace.
He walked and walked for days, But though god never lies, He was slowly losing morale, As he's left pondering family ties.
Who was his real mother? Why did she leave him to die? Or was it Pharaoh she saved him from, Like so many mothers tried?
When he reached the forsaken land, God sent the Egyptians a plague, He sent them death and destruction For those who, to Him, don't pray.
Through God, Moses saved his people, He saved them from their doom, Because god showed him a burning bush On the mountains impressive gloom.
By Sammy Anderson Mobil F Network Join http://www.wowtowow.com  Mobil F Network Join http://www.wowtowow.com ♥…BEST Sites Group..♥ Click Images Join Now My Sites Best Females With Mobil Nombers Mobil F Network Join http://www.wowtowow.com ♥…BEST Sites Group..♥ http://www.hello.shaheenz.com http://www.shaheenz.com/Love http://www.art.shaheenz.com http://www.forum.shaheenz.com http://www.wafa.shaheenz.com http://www.web.shaheenz.com http://www.touch.shaheenz.com http://www.fun.shaheenz.com http://www.love.shaheenz.com http://www.go.shaheenz.com http://step.shaheenz.com/ http://www.shaheenz.com http://www.wowtowow.com http://www.easyawan.com http://wowtowow-touch.blogspot.com/ http://tiptohit.blogspot.com/ http://wowtouchu.blogspot.com/    Mobil F Network Join http://www.hello.shaheenz.com http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Shaheen_Urdu_Love/ http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Shaheen_Poetry_World      Google Free blogspot http://wowtowow-touch.blogspot.com/ http://tiptohit.blogspot.com/ http://wowtouchu.blogspot.com/  Thanks |
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