Saturday, March 6, 2010

Re: :::|| VU Askari ||::: MGT501-very very confusing Questions, can any one solve with 100% surty

According to me.....
Answers r Highlighted Greeen.....
plz dont ask for references....
Maine bahut socha and answer yhi hain mere....

May Allah has All His Blessings Upon You!!!
You can chat with Me at:::

With Regards!!!
Imran Ali
MBA 1st Semester.......
Dera Ismail Khan.

On Sat, Mar 6, 2010 at 11:16 AM, mc090402550 Asad Munir <> wrote:

Evaluation method generally adopted by most of the educational institutes to evaluate the students' academic performance is:

       Project based method

       Focal point method

       Anniversary method

       Base timings method

Which of the following could result in a legally questionable appraisal process?

       Conduct job analysis to establish criteria for successful performance

       Base appraisals on subjective supervisory observations

       Administer and score appraisals in a uniform manner

        Use clearly defined job performance dimensions

 The process of discovering potential candidates for actual or anticipated organizational vacancies is known as:

       HR planning

       Job analysis



Which of the following helps an organization in defining and measuring the progress towards goal achievement?

       Key performance indicator

       Adoptation to legal compliance

       Strong compensation system

       Employee career planning

 Which of the following is NOT included in the indirect benefits?

       Medical assistance

       Gain sharing

       Pension plans

       ► Paid vacations

Communication within a project team, emerged from different grades and departments of an organization is an example of:


       ► Diagonal communication

       Horizontal communication

       Upward communication

        Downward communication


Which of the following is not included in intrinsic rewards?

       Promotion opportunities

       Working conditions

       ► Insurance

       Interesting work

The traditional view about conflict explains the concept in which of the following way?

       ► Evidence of a failure in management

       Good for a group

       Improves productivity

       Cannot be evaded


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