Friday, February 19, 2010

Re: :::|| VU Askari ||::: Need urgent ans....

Kis Subject k questions hein???

On Thu, Feb 18, 2010 at 3:12 AM, mc090401111 Sadia Kanwal <> wrote:
1. Selecting an overall company strategy for long-run survival and growth refers to which one of the following tasks

Select correct option:

Strategic market planning

Annual market planning

Short-term planning

Long-term planning

2Which of the following communication and promotion tools involve direct connections with customers aimed toward building customer-unique value and lasting relationships
Select correct option:
Personal selling and direct marketing
Public relation and publicity
E-commerce and E-business
Advertising and sales promotion
3.  An attractive idea must be developed into which one of the following?

Select correct option:

Product idea

Product concept

Product image

Test market


4. Mr. Afgan gets a shopping list from his wife. The list contains a potted plant, fresh salmon (sea fish), motor oil, bread, milk, and a birthday cake. To make just one stop to save time, he should go to:

Select correct option:

A convenience store

An off-price retailer

A specialty store

A supermarket


5._____ includes all electronics-based information exchanges within or between companies and customers.


Select correct option:



The Internet



6. The concept of _____ marketing communications suggests that the company must blend the promotion tools carefully into a coordinated _____.


Select correct option:

Affordable; promotion mix

Integrated; promotion mix

Percent-of-sales; integration

None of the given options


7. Which one of the following is NOT a part of marketing control process?

Select correct option:

Set goals for organization

Measure performance

Take risk for profit

Evaluate performance

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